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NOW OPEN: 2018 Alumni Association Executive Elections

Updated: Jul 24, 2018

Dear EYPUK Alumni,

We are delighted to open the call for manifestos for this year’s Alumni Association Executive elections! Following the success of having a transition period last year, the elections will take place a couple of months before the end of the current Executive’s term (September) to facilitate a smooth handover process.

This year, EYPUK has been a leading voice on the international stage, pushing for improvements in welfare and outreach in the wider network. On a national level, it has been another year of fantastic events; our regional sessions have been highly successful, and our national sessions have secured the support of NATO. We’re now looking for a new group of motivated individuals to lead EYPUK in further growth in the upcoming year!

The AA Executive is elected by the wider alumni body to represent them, and to ensure that EYPUK’s events and projects run smoothly and involve as many alumni as possible. They are led by the President, and have close contact with their respective advisors on the Board of Trustees.

Holding a position on the EYPUK AA Executive is a great opportunity to be involved in EYPUK, as well as being a very enjoyable and fulfilling year!

There are currently seven positions open:

  • President (1 position)

  • Alumni Development Officer (1 position)

  • Regional Forum Coordinators (2 positions)

  • EurVoice Coordinator (1 position)

  • Communications Coordinator (2 positions)

  • Fundraising Officer (1 position)

Please read the role descriptions to see what they entail, and if you have any questions please contact the relevant person on the role description and they will be more than happy to help.

Please could each candidate who would like to run for a position on the AA Exec submit their manifesto by the 14th July 23:59 BST. After this, candidates will be announced and manifestos published. Manifestos submitted after this time will not be considered unless the deadline is explicitly extended. The deadline for individual positions may be extended at the President’s discretion if there aren’t enough manifestos for a competitive election. Manifestos should be emailed in PDF format to

This year, we will be using a standardised manifesto template in order to ensure that candidates are directly comparable; hopefully, this will make the process a lot easier for all involved! Please don’t change the formatting, as we will simply ask you to change it back.

Following the submission of the manifestos, they will be published on the EYPUK website and a campaigning period will then begin where there will then be an opportunity for all alumni to ask questions to the candidates. Following this, there will be a voting period before the results are announced.

I would really encourage everybody who thinks they have something to bring to apply, no matter what your prior experience in EYP may be. I’m excited to see what everybody has to say, and even more so to welcome a new generation of decision makers into our organisation!

If you have any questions then please feel free to get in touch.

Good luck!

Emily Long

EYPUK Alumni Executive President 2017-18




European Youth Parliament UK

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The European Youth Parliament is one of the largest platforms for political debate, intercultural encounters, European civic education and the exchange of ideas for young people in Europe.


The European Youth Parliament United Kingdom (EYPUK) is a leading non-partisan organisation that provides non-formal education for young people on a wide range of political issues facing the UK and Europe. 

EYP National Committees

The EYP is a network of independent youth organisations active in 40 countries across Europe. Each independent youth organisation is known as a National Committee.

Video header: Anouck Guillot 

All other media: EYPUK and EYP

© 2022 European Youth Parliament United Kingdom

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